Personal Purpose, Growth and Answering the Call

Chair on Dock at Alice Lake in Late Afternoon

As soon as I typed out the title, I knew I’d checkmated myself. A blog post on purpose, growth and answering the call? Trilogies could easily fall short in attempting to answer such things and as usual, I’ve willingly put myself in a position where I’ve bitten off monumentally more than I can chew. So my question has literally become rhetorical and this post itself an answer to itself, in real time! A classic case of staring into the abyss and it staring straight back. Confused? Great, it’s the best place to line up at the starting line, amongst the very best and sincerest of company.

Let’s start with personal purpose, shall we? A subjective path, cut up an objective mountain. Your path can only be cut by you and the direction of the path is taken by the choices you make and your intentions, driving such choices way beneath the surface. If you thought you were going to get an easy read here, think again and much deeper. If I have to bite off more than I can chew by writing this, then you also have to bite off more than you can chew by reading it and then pondering it. It’s only fair, dear reader!

So in the absolute simplest of conceptual ideas, our personal purpose for being here is to make choices. Consciousness making choices. This process is fractal in nature and we can observe this wherever we choose to look for it. We can call this process evolution. There is a certain energy flowing through all things that generates internal and external pressures for choices to be made so the entire system improves. Nothing escapes this process. Anything that refuses to fulfil this most basic purpose, ceases to exist. Choices are made and learning happens. This learning ”happening” all over the place is stored and shared throughout the entire system. Making choices is why you’re here.

You’re not meant to make the right choice but you are meant to make a choice. In making the choice, either way you learn or unlearn. Some people think this is all too hard and the universe somehow owes them something so they get all upset about making choices and having to learn so they just stop doing it. You can spot one of these a mile off and my advice to you is to stay away from these people for now. You’ll get your chance to help and guide further up your path, if that’s the off-ramp you choose to exit.

By making choices and learning from those choices, we grow and this is where it all starts to get interesting. In just the same way there must be a wrong choice for a right choice to exist, there also must be shrinkage for growth to exist. Yes, you can and will go backwards, to go forwards. Its the only way. Still confused? How’s this one then – you have no choice but to express your free will choice cause that’s how this game works and there’s no way out of it. Feel better? I thought so.

Make choices, learn and grow, in order to make choices, learn and grow. In the process, make good choices, bad choices, learn, unlearn, go backwards, go forwards and on it goes. Everything animate or inanimate is governed by this process in varying degrees of limitation. A human is much less limited in making choices than a spider but the process is still the same. In the same way, a spider is much less limited in making choices than a blade of grass but the process is still the same. Change, is indeed the name of this game and the label marked on the lid of this petri dish we call existence.

The more our choices help others make choices and our learning helps others learn, the more we fulfil our purpose, which brings me to answering the call. It’s easy to get all caught up in me, me, me and lets face it, the vast majority of us spend an entire lifetime snared in this trap. Although its easy, there’s not much learning or growth that happens there. Instead, there’s flexing and posturing in the mirror, constantly blowing kisses into the reflection and thanking itself for being so damn good. There’s the abyss again, what’s the reflection and what’s real? Can you turn your back on the mirror in the face of such magnificence? Do you want to? There’s so many others trapped and not enough helpers who are willing to make the choice to answer the call. Ready to bite off more than you can chew? Your move…

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read my post. I appreciate it a lot. See you soon.
